Thursday, September 27, 2012

"It is time."

Here we are.

It's 4:45 am and I cannot sleep. Now, that might be due to the excitement, you say? True. True. But also, Mr. Sandman visited the other night, leaving no fancy, magical dream dust, but instead, I inhaled all that stupid fairy sand dust. And now, I have, that's right, the dreaded sandpaper throat.

I haven't been sick in months and two days ago..well, simply, I done went and got myself sick. I had been feeling it for a while and I s'pose now is better than in the air or once we arrive. I can say by now, thankfully, it is on its way out!

And not getting any sleep might not be so bad. In a litte over 15 hours, I will find myself in a plane, heading over the ocean for some 20 hours. And spending most of that time sleeping is very much a plan of both of ours. For today, exhaustion is A-OK with me.

And hody sit! (an appropriate-ish saying of us Gaude ladies) I'm doing this! We are actually doing this! AHH! Good lordy lordy, the day is here. On Lafayette time, by the end of Friday night, Chanel and I will be in Kathmandu.

We've packed, repacked, planned, plan-B'ed, plan-C'ed, worked on our already excellent talking-with-our-eyes and mumbling-in-only-ways-she-would-understand skills. They really are quite good. But! We can always be better. Have done much more questioning and thinking out loud, both to ourself and each other. But how many shoes are you bringing? Should I bring one more? But hear my justification. Why are you bringing so many shorts? That's ridiculous. Will there be coffee?? I should bring more shorts. Ill call this bag "bag" and the other "pack" so there is no confusion. Which bag? Yes, I know, BUT WHICH??

All that is done. Two more errands. Only a few more goodbyes. I'd bet on two more cups of coffee. And three planes to catch.

I hope to be able to make our first trip to the nearest town with Internet access (a 30 minutes walk) within the first week. We do have a day to ourselves before we start the volunteering program, so perhaps then.
Well, I've got some waffles to make, malaria medicine to take, and I'm feeling the old-man, wheezy cough setting in.

Goodbye friends, family, loves, bed, hazelnut coffee, iPhone, clean drinking water, gluten-free beer and goodbye America.

And Mr. Bruno. Goodbye Mr. Monkey. (Our most handsomest pug man)

"It is time." Rafiki said it best.

Next blog will be from Southeast Asia. SHABLAM!

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